I am thankful
to the organizers of the First International Conference on Corporate Social
Responsibility in Africa for giving me the opportunity to share my perspective
on seven challenges faced by African business on the path to a responsible
development that respects people and the planet.
challenges are summarized by the '7C', ie capitalism 3.0, clean development,
human capital, contextualization, corruption, cooperation, and communication.
The Capitalism 3.0 challenge
The welcome
enthusiasm for CSR policies and practices in Africa must not shadow the fact that
the primary purpose of a business is to create wealth, ie making a profit.
There simply can be no responsible company with no viable economic model.
To address
the huge needs of African populations, companies must seek wealth creation and,
along the way, create jobs, generate tax revenue, and distribute purchasing
power. If profit is essential to effective contribution of the common good, we
need to agree on what kind of profit we are talking about.
the history of capitalism with a very broad brush, we can say that 1.0 version
is characterized by the pursuit of wild-profit, with no care neither for law
nor morality. Capitalism 2.0 pursues legal profit and the 3.0 version
emphasizes legitimate profit.
While many
African enterprises in the formal sector have, I think, or at least I hope,
made the transition to legal capitalism, they still have a long way to go to meet
the challenges of socially legitimate capitalism.
capitalism 3.0, the legitimacy of profit depends, upstream, on how it is made
and, downstream, on how it is used. Profit is legitimate if it is achieved
without doing harm to people and nature. Downstream, profit is legitimate if a
significant share of is reinvested in the development of the ecosystem that
made it possible. To illustrate the difference between legal and legitimate
profit, the distribution of 100% of profits to shareholders is legal, but less
and less socially legitimate.
establishment of policies and CSR practices in African companies must
facilitate the transition to a virtuous capitalism 3.0 which contributes to the
common good, in addition to enriching its shareholders.
The clean development challenge
business leaders and CSR directors should rejoice to operate in a continent
that has contributed very little to CO2 emissions and global warming, as can be
read in the following chart.
Some readers
will point out that the very low African contribution to CO2 emissions is the
consequence of the industrial underdevelopment of the continent. That is a fair
point. We must, however, look at the positive side and challenge African
entrepreneurs to ignite African economies but make a technological leap,
bypassing the 'pollution' phase of industrial development. The good news today
is that clean technologies are beginning to be technically efficient and economically
Here, I
would like to commend the Moroccan energy strategy that aims to generate 42% of
electricity consumption in the country by 2020 from renewable energy sources.
While the goal may seem ambitious, it is a mobilizing one and has already
delivered significant investments by private and public actors in hydro,
photovoltaic and wind power. I have, in passing, to hope that the ongoing drilling
in the country will not find large deposits of oil and gas. Morocco would not
necessarily gain from large fossil resources, in the long term.
challenge of clean development should encourage the leaders of African
companies to be cautious in their dealings with Chinese partners who are very
active on the continent, and who are not yet fully aware of the negative
externalities in industry, agriculture, construction or mining activities.
must consider the low level of industrialization of the continent as an
opportunity and a treasure to protect. For this, the virtue of business leaders
will not be enough. Governments and civil society must play a leading role in
setting up the regulatory environment needed to guide investment choices of economic
actors and control their environmental footprint.
The human capital challenge
countries where the educational system and vocational training supply the labor
market with adequate skills in number and quality, development of human capital
is not a major social responsibility of a corporation.
On the
African continent, where educational system is very weak, training and
development of human capital falls largely onto businesses. For many young
Africans, the workplace is the first 'real' school where they can fill the gaps
of poor initial training, learn work discipline, and acquire professional
skills. In Africa, companies are not only businesses but also schools.
policies in African companies must therefore include a significant component of
human capital development. Investments in this area should benefit the company
and society. In a global economy where capital and technology are more readily
available, the competitive advantage of a company depends, in the long run, on
the quality of its human capital. Society also benefits from business
investment in the development of human capital. Citizens trained by companies
can transfer skills to other companies with fewer resources and to other
spheres of society. Some may feel sufficiently equipped to create their
business, train other employees in their turn and thus contribute to the wealth
The corruption challenge
If Africans
should rejoice in the low pollution of their continent, they have to worry
about endemic corruption. South Africa, for example, ranks 72 out of 177
countries in the 2014 ranking published by Transparency International. The
rankings of other large African countries are so bad that it is better not to
dwell on. Economists estimate that corruption costs 25% of Africa's GDP. This
is intolerable.
The fight
against corruption should certainly not be put on the shoulders of African
companies alone but they must bear their share of responsibility and be
exemplary in their dealings with governments and people in investment, answers
to tendering, recruitment, procurement, etc. Because a company alone may be
powerless in coping with illegal or immoral practices, intermediate bodies
representing businesses should be at the forefront in the fight against
corruption and exert pressure on governments and private actors to change their
Until real
progress is made on this front, it would be difficult to speak of responsible
companies in a continent plagued by the cancer of corruption.
The contextualization challenge
My thinking
on this point derives from the observation of an epistemological disconnect
between CSR practitioners in African companies and the cultural and religious
substratum of the countries where they operate. The consequence of the
epistemological break is that the concept of corporate social responsibility
takes the appearance of a foreign topic to Africa and does not speak to the bulk
of a company's employees. It is as if African cultures had, before importing
the CSR concept on the continent, no sensitivity to people and nature. We know
that this is not true. Islam, for example, contains normative prescriptions about
caring for others, what is now called the 'care' paradigm. We also know that
respect for nature and life is part of the African cultural heritage.
of African business and society would certainly be more impacted by CSR
policies if they are expressed in cultural and local moral codes.
development of an African ideological framework of social responsibility does not
require a translation of Western concepts in African frames of meaning. It also
requires a cultural archeology whose purpose is to rediscover practices, in farming
for example, and African values forgotten in the rush to modernity and that could
guide the search for solutions to current problems.
The cooperation challenge
companies operate in societies where large segments of the population have
difficult access, if any, to basic necessities such as food, work, housing,
work, health or education. Because one cannot be healthy in a sick environment,
African companies, more than elsewhere, have a duty to contribute to the
treatment of these problems. To do this, they must learn to work with actors
who are not like them and do not work the same way, which can be a source of
frustration and friction.
Since I am
writing from Morocco, I want to point to the INJAZ association which contributes
to the improvement of education and the promotion of entrepreneurship in
Morocco. The association, whose achievements are recognized internationally, is
assisted by a number of large companies that provide financial assistance and,
above all, volunteers who deliver its programs in secondary and higher
education institutions.
Efforts by
the first Moroccan company OCP in promoting entrepreneurship are also a good
illustration of how a large company can contribute to the development of an
entrepreneurial ecosystem through financial resources, expertise and
international networks. One might ask why a big company should be involved in
entrepreneurship and they would be right to ask the question in developed
countries. In Morocco, where youth unemployment is a major social risk, the
first company in the country, especially when it is public, must take its share
of responsibility in this area until the local entrepreneurial ecosystem has
become sufficiently self-sufficient.
The communication challenge
In a world
where showing is as important as doing, African firms have a long way to go to
promote their civic engagement and attenuate an image, well established in local
and international public opinions, of egocentric companies only concerned about
profit and indifferent to their natural and social environment, when they are
not simply seen as predatory.
The reader
will allow me to refer to my personal experience to show that African companies
that take their social responsibility seriously have a lot of work to do to claim
their citizenship. I had to get closer, as part of my professional activities, to
some large Moroccan companies to find innovative achievements in the management
of social and environmental problems. Yet the Moroccan public is very little
aware of these achievements and the image of big business in the country does
not reflect the reality of their social commitment.
OCP, that I
mentioned earlier, is an exception and seems to have succeeded in the positive transformation
of an institution, long associated in
the Moroccan imagination, as a public monopoly insensitive to its natural and
social environment.
development of a publishing activity, like the book 'Les Leaders de la RSE au
Maroc’ and the eponymous website, is a useful contribution. It is important to
share with a large audience the practices of Moroccan companies with regard to
social and environmental issues.
organization of symposia like ‘Les Rencontres Internationales de la RSO’, held on 25-26 November 2014 in Casablanca, is another way to
shed light on the topic and share information
about efforts, in different African countries, for a responsible African development model.
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